
Health management

What is a health butler?

Health housekeeper is based on the international situation, our relevant policies and people's quality of life is constantly improving the status quo. And put forward the idea of "let every patient have their own private doctor." Through our medical network all over the country and the world to achieve resource sharing. And related Mini Program to assist. Finally, let the broad masses of the people and experts from all over the world "zero distance." Recommend the location through Mini Program. Yes, patients can do "do not leave the house" can understand the ability to go to the nearest hospital. Thus, the nearest inspection can be realized. There is no need to concentrate blindly on medical treatment. At the same time, it also played the purpose of "hierarchical diagnosis and treatment".

WeChat Mini Program

We have been working on cancer for many years. Also always firmly believe in the concept of "early examination, early detection, early treatment". We have heard too many similar topics in life. Every year, physical examination, examination is normal, and finally cancer, found on the late stage of the information. In fact, this is because our people have a wrong understanding of the medical examination. The traditional physical examination is not equal to the cancer prevention physical examination. There is an essential difference between the two.


In 2018, the National Cancer Center released the latest cancer data in China. The report shows that in 2018, there were 3.804 million new cases of malignant tumors in the country, and an average of 7 people were diagnosed with cancer every minute. Among them, the risk of cancer among people under 40 years old increased significantly. Until the age of 85, a person's cancer risk 36%.

Healthy people can find out what risk factors they have by doing a single location. After the completion of the test, you can recommend experts or hospitals through the location of the user. To achieve the purpose of "hierarchical diagnosis and treatment". The source of the self-test comes from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to ensure the authority of the problem.

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